Highest commendations to the Old Harbour police team

Dear Editor,

On November 9, 2022 as the rains descended on South St. Catherine and its environs, my journey home to Old Harbour from Kingston was highlighted by delays and frustration on the wet roads.

As I approached the 300m sign marking the toll's exit to Old Harbour, steady red lights brought on a deep sigh stemming from thoughts of how much more the road chaos was about to get worse.

While there was a lengthy delay to enter South Street from the toll road, much to my surprise, there was no chaos, no honking horns, no signs of gridlock.

Guess what I saw instead? No, you guessed wrong, there wasn't a policeman ahead directing the traffic. Neither did I see a random man dressed in his rain gear 'trying a ting'.

What I saw was a motion picture scene with a man who is a police by profession, making a difference in the way things are normally set (a so di ting set); I watched with marvel as he elegantly and fluidly directed the south, east and west bound lanes. The delay was rather lengthy but there was evidence that this traffic director was maintaining order, and a much easier flow of traffic.

It didn't stop there! As the line, still with lengthy delays, moved me towards the South Street and Walker's Road intersection, another scene of a masterful traffic director came into view. Even more remarkable was that the officer stationed here, had to direct the usual motorists and also manage the removal of a broken vehicle at the entrance to Walker's Road.

There was still no evidence of disorder, the scene was quiet and I could palpate for the time being.

With a surge of pride, I crawled along with gratitude towards the centre of the town to find that other officers were also there and with the clock standing at Old Harbour central as if equally proud to witness the moment..., I commit to making my observation public.

The Old Harbour Police team demonstrated expertise, poise, elegance, high energy and mastery to cause such order, flow and synergy at all major intersections that I am willing to bet that most persons reached their destinations with significantly less stress and there were fewer if any scratches to any of the motor vehicles passing through that evening.

Congratulations to the leadership and the team of the Old Harbour Police Station. Your presence in the town is remarkable, keep up the good work.


Mahalia Watson, J.P
